My turmoil never ceases. My mind never rests, thus my spirit is never at peace.

A state in which mankind inherited at its conception.

I feel it that much clearer now, ever since I stood helpless, while being so helpful in bringing my daughter into this world.

Longing to give all that I am for her, without a compass to guide my way.

Knowing that she had already been given the exalted gift.

That even I have yet to discover within myself, let alone teach to comprehend and give thanks.

That direction to the path back home, to that of whom gave up His blood, so that we may know how to put our spirits at peace.

The calculations upon these revelations are endless.

Now I understand the dichotomy of an ever-expanding single point in time, so small one cannot detect.

Accompanied by deeper understandings of love, compassion, selflessness, and humility.

Overflowing onto this that I write.

That in which I reflect upon resembles an ancient map of the ever existing present that has yet to exist.

How limiting we are when our souls are not at peace.

Thank you, O Lord for being so kind to me. For giving me such a beautiful, tiny creation.

One that I look at and shrink, to see her grow, through all her stages, hair styles, sighs, tears, laughs and grins.

An exaltation of grace; for me, from you.

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