Discouragement is one of the devil’s most useful tools in today's world. It is easy to subtilely bring you down, little by little, battle by battle, disappointment after disappointment. Until one day you find yourself waking up bitter, angry, feeling hopeless, unmotivated, a little less confident than you were the day before, cynical, and feeling depressed. Each, a result of a battle lost to the minion of the devil in our lives. An affect of which unrealized blessings await in the balance.
Don't think that God is truly in control of your life and the Love He has for you is unconditional, believe it.
Know the deceitful, thieving nature of the devil in your life. Know that in every circumstance in which the outcome "seemingly" is in disaccord with what you think you need, want or is best in your life; you stand on the battlefield.
Don't think that God is truly in control of your life and the Love He has for you is unconditional, believe it.
You do not stand in opposition on this battlefield, you stand in victory, you stand as a witnessing child. And your Father has already defeated your enemy.
In all battles there are casualties, there are things lost that we held dear to our hearts, there are people lost that we hold dear to our hearts. And in all battles there are decisions, hard decisions, that must be made both before and after blood has been shed.
Your decision as you stand on the battle field of circumstance is this:
Do I choose to give up the victory my Father has won for me because I do not want to see beyond my immediate loss, because my expectation was different?
Do I choose to stand confident in victory with my Father, knowing that there will be losses, looking ahead with anticipation for the feast my Father has awaiting for me?
I pray that you choose the latter.
We our responsible for our own hearts. Ultimately, waking up bitter, angry, feeling hopeless, unmotivated, a little less confident than you were the day before, cynical, and feeling depressed is a choice. One that does not deal with the losses and disappointments that come with being a human being, living in the world and living with expectations.Believe that God is in control of your life and allow your heart to acknowledge, deal with and let go of those losses and disappointments so that the blessings that God gives you in every situation can bear fruit.